1.14 Each year when you plan for your annual budget, how did you decide?
1.15 Why 20% growth and not 19% or 21%? Why not 19% since it is 2019 for easier remembrance and next year 20% because it is going to be 2020?
1.16 What about when you get your top management to do a SWOT analysis, was everyone get hold of a piece of paper and started writing what they thought instead of basing on real facts?
1.17 Do you/they TRULY understand your Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threat?
1.18 And worst of all, everyone started implementing the strategies based on these!
1.19 However, even with the sloppiest strategies, if executed excellently, the result would still be great. But, when it comes to execution, did your team do well?